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This is a list of all current divers who have registered with DiveMeets. Membership in organizations shown by a diver's name may not be current as it is the responsibility of the diver to update his/her DiveMeets profile. To see a diver's profile page click on the diver's name.
Xac, Abigail Y AAUXantheas, Stavros NCAA
Xi, Longyue USAD AAUXiao, Autumn Z USAD AAU
Xiao, Eric USAD AAUXiao, Tasya USAD
Xie, Julian USAD AAUXie, Yiman USAD DPC
Xie, Yiyao USAD DPCXing, Milan USAD AAU
Xu, Christina USAD AAUXu, Diana USAD
Xu, Eric USADXu, Liangyu USAD AAU
Xue, Corwin USAD AAUXue, Katherine WMIA
Xydas, Nicolette USAD AAU FHSAA
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